Wrongful Death Claims
If you find that you need a wrongful death lawyer, our firm can handle your wrongful death lawsuit claim.
A wrongful death lawsuit claims that a person died as the result of the malpractice or negligence of another person or entity, and that the surviving family is entitled to compensation for their loss and for the pain and suffering of the one who died.
Under the common law, this type of claim did not exist because a claim for personal injury ended with the victim. A spouse or child could not claim damages from the person who caused the victim’s death. To correct this injustice, each state has passed some form of wrongful death statute. Although they follow the same general principles, each state’s law is unique.
The experienced attorneys at our law firm can help you through the legal process and obtain full recovery for the wrongful death of your loved one.
Your ability to recover damages and the amount of your recovery will depend in large part on the strength and reputation of the law firm you select to handle your case.